The Abstract: January 2021
Welcome to The Abstract - your monthly round up of all the latest news from Youth STEM Matters, our youth-led scientific journal.
To start 2021, we’ve received Volunteer Team applications from youth globally, took to the stage at the Coastal Futures conference, recognised our Volunteer of the Month, and did lots of work behind the scenes that we’ll be able to share in the coming weeks!
Volunteer Team Applications Submitted by Youth in 29 Countries
Our recent round of applications to join the Youth STEM Matters Volunteer Team attracted applications from 107 youth based in 29 countries globally! Thank you to every young person who submitted an application - we’ve received a high quality of submissions and our team are taking time to review every application submitted. Watch this space to find out who will be joining the Youth STEM Matters Volunteer Team, and good luck to all our applicants!
January 2021 Volunteer of the Month Recognised!
Congratulations to Alex Kitchen who is the Volunteer of the Month for January 2021!
Alex was recognised for stepping up to temporarily undertake the role of Editor-In-Chief, and with less than 48 hours notice he was able to put together an engaging and informative Research Team briefing and remained a point of call for the team where needed. He’s shown a real commitment to developing the skillset of the Physical Sciences team and making sure that Authors get something they are proud of in the end of the peer-review process. He has displayed excellent leadership skills and a commitment to help the Journal progress! Well done Alex!
“I’m very grateful for this! Over the last month, there were a few hiccups but it was great to see everyone pull together to keep putting out content and working hard. I have really enjoyed the work as something to concentrate on over lockdown and I hope that we can keep this feeling going in the team!”
Youth STEM Matters Volunteer Features at Coastal Futures Conference
Volunteer Team member Éimear Stephenson had the opportunity to be part of the 2021 Coastal Futures Conference, themed this year around Ocean Recovery, speaking as part of a session on “Youth Voices for the Ocean - What can we learn from the next generation?”. Our full article is here, but Éimear shared her experience of taking part with The Abstract…
“Speaking at coastal futures was definitely a fantastic way to start the new year! It was truly astonishing to have the opportunity to speak in front of major organisations, experts and political officials on affairs that matter to youth.
I’m so thankful to have spoken with both Mhairi and Finlay- their words inspired not only me, but so many people watching! The response we received from our talks was unbelievable. It was truly heartwarming to see so many people not only listen, but actually value our words and thoughts.”
Coming Up…
Our Volunteer Team has been working hard behind the scenes to achieve our ambitions of creating an accessible platform for the world’s youth, while setting an example of best practice within scientific publishing. Here’s what Editor-In-Chief Adam Khan-Qureshi had to say about the exciting upcoming developments…
“As a scientific journal, Youth STEM Matters is always looking for ways to improve our Authors’ experience and voice within the scientific community. I am really excited to soon announce some exciting changes, that will give young people the recognition they deserve but also enhance their publishing experience with us.”